Sunset over Moreton Bay
The Quantum Pontiff has a great photo of the sunset over Mt Shasta, not so far from where he grew up. Here is a photo of the sunset over Moreton Bay, not far from where I grew up/still am growing up.
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Politics is more interesting in the US than here
Posted by
1:30 am
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
Democracy never did work
Anyway, this week Margo decided that she would invite people to vote on the following categories:
- Most courageous Australian politician
- Most cowardly Australian politician
- Biggest risk-taking Australian politician
- Most effective proponent of good governance in Australia
Readers were invited to submit one professional politician in each category and one non-politician. The voting and related comments can be found here. The tallied results are here. The results say a lot about democracy in this country. Rarely will Australians enter into a real debate that requires facts and concessions. It also exposes how horrifically divided political debate is becoming in this country.
Oh yea, if anyone is wondering, Andrew Bolt is a moron and I can't think of anyone who has contributed less to the level governence in this country. Seriously, I'm pretty sure Kylie Minogue or Nicole Kidman contribute more than he does...
Posted by
11:15 am
Friday, December 10, 2004
The Political Compass
Posted by
6:16 am
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
To my American friends again
Anyway, Carl's article is definitely worth a read. I've added a link to his "commentary" page on my sidebar because most of his articles are excellent.
Posted by
1:29 am
Monday, December 06, 2004
Random questions
- I wonder how many cups of coffee I've consumed since I began my PhD?
- I wonder how many m&m's I've eaten since I started writing my thesis?
- I wonder what my blood pressure and blood sugar are doing right now?
Posted by
5:37 am
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
To all my American friends
Posted by
3:01 am